How to select the hearing protector & Protect your hearing against noise

If you work in an environment where you are exposed to a lot of bothersome noises, you must inform your employer to assess the situation and provide you with the suitable ear protector to protect you from damaging your ear and hearing.

Only those ear protectors approved by the Commissioner for Labour under Section 7 can be used. Employers must provide these approved ear protectors to its employees if and when the situation requires.

Below are some key points for you to take note on when choosing the correct ear protector:

-        The level and nature of the noise exposure or the amt. by which the exposure exceeds the second or peak action levels

-         The job and working environment, this can affect comfort and hygiene

-         Compatibility with any other protective equipment or special clothing worn, such as goggles  or protective suits

-         The fit to the wearer

-         Any difficulty or discomfort experienced by the wearer

If the ear protector you’re wearing don’t have the above issues and you feel fine when exposed to high levels of noises while wearing the ear protector, then you’ve found the perfect ear protector for you!

Hearing Protector with different features

Depends on the application, sometimes all you need is just passive hearing protectors (our product series is CURB).  However, if you need to use hearing protection for long periods of time, electronics features will be required to make your working days a great deal more comfortable, efficient and fun.

Hearing protector with AM/ FM/ DAB+ radio or Bluetooth function can let you enjoy entertainment while being free from outside noise (our product series are PLAY and TALK)Besides streaming your favorite music from your phone, the Bluetooth function can help you get the job done more efficiently, and being able to make phone calls while still carrying on with your work.  

If it is important to hear warning signals or be able to communicate with others in noisy environments, we highly recommend to choose a hearing protector with the feature of level dependent (our product series is TRAP).  

Our hearing protector series:

CURB - Passive hearing protectors

PLAY - Electronics hearing protector with AM/ FM/ DAB+ Radio

TALK - Electronics hearing protector with Bluetooth

TRAP - Electronics hearing protector with Level Dependent

MULTI - Electronics hearing protector with diversified function